Clinical Pilates
Strengthen your coreAustralian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute qualified instructor with over 10 years experience.
What is Clinical Pilates?
Clinical Pilates improves spinal alignment, balance, muscle tone and movement patterns by focusing on correct posture, synchronised breathing, and specific movements. Functional, suitable for everyone, and eminently versatile, it’s a discipline which can help anyone from an active football player to a pregnant mother achieve their health goals. In conjunction with physiotherapeutic knowledge, Clinical Pilates is the ultimate tool for improving your health and wellbeing: the exercise which connects body and mind!
How can Clinical Pilates help you?
Here at Alpha Physio Care we offer Clinical Pilates with our Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute qualified instructor, who has over 8 years’ teaching experience. And whether you’re making the practice the main component of your fitness regime or an added element, Clinical Pilates is always going to be highly beneficial.
At our studio we offer classes for a maximum of 5 individuals, specialising in the following:
- Clinical Pilates for Wellbeing and Spinal Pain
- Clinical Pilates in Pregnancy
- Post-Pregnancy Clinical Pilates
- Clinical Pilates for Improving Balance
What will your tailor-made programme involve?
In all classes, exercises can be easily adjusted to suit your individual needs as required, regardless of the main routine. In private sessions, we place the focus firmly on your ability and fitness aims: we’ll conduct a full assessment before you begin the programme, and adjust this when necessary. And in Post-Pregnancy Clinical Pilates, mums are welcome to bring their babies and attend to them as needed; separate mats are provided, and we look forward to meeting your growing family.
Whichever Clinical Pilates class you attend, you certainly won’t be following the same old routine each time – we change things up according to your needs, use a wide selection of props (including big and small balls, weights, rolls, and elastics), and ensure you’re always challenged and motivated!